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MSF Sugar comes to the rescue of Mossman canegrowers | 19 June 2024

The Australian Sugar Milling Council’s CEO, Ash Salardini, has expressed his relief and delight that MSF Sugar and the Queensland Government have provided a way forward for Mossman growers to transport and crush their cane. “We are delighted that growers will have an option to crush their cane, thanks to the efforts of MSF Sugar and the Queensland Government. The announcement by Premie...
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2022 Sugarcane Crush is Underway | 26 May 2022

With forecast crop for Australia of just under 31.5 million tonnes, the 2022 sugarcane crush has commenced today with the Tully sugar mill in Far North Queensland starting operations this morning. Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) Chief Executive Officer, Rachele Sheard, said Queensland’s share of this crop is just over 30 million tonnes representing an improvement on the 29.7 millio...
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Federal election – sugar industry secures bipartisan commitment to advance key issues | 18 May 2022

The Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) has secured a bipartisan commitment to advance key priorities with the next Federal Government to boost regional Queensland jobs and economic growth. “The ASMC looks forward to working with the next Australian Government to secure greater overseas market access for Australian sugar, boost generation of renewable energy and production of susta...
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