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Renewable Energy

National feedstock strategy needed for Australia to be a power in biofuels | 12 July 2024

The Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) has highlighted the need for a national feedstock strategy if Australia is genuine about developing a domestic capability in biofuels. “We support Australia’s biofuels ambition, as sugar can provide close to 10% of Australia’s sustainable aviation fuel needs through the use of sugar byproducts alone, and a significant portion of the market i...
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Future made in Australia – sugar’s sweet renewables story | 11 April 2024

Sugar mill producing energy by Cogeneration
As the Prime Minister unveils incentives for clean energy and advanced manufacturing, Australian sugar manufacturers have highlighted the potential to provide significant amounts of renewable electricity and biofuels in a submission responding to the Federal Government’s consultation on its Electricity and Energy Sector Decarbonisation Plan. The Australian Sugar Milling Council’s submission ha...
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Industry welcomes recognition of the Sugar Industry’s renewable energy potential | 28 September 2022

The Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) welcomes the inclusion in the Queensland Government’s 10-year Energy Plan of $4 million to fund feasibility and technical studies to identify options and pathways to expand bioenergy generation and support technology innovation in the bioenergy sector. The need for this program is consistent with the preliminary feasibility work commissioned ...
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