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Jim Crane | Director of Industry & Government Affairs

Jim’s portfolio with the Milling Council reflects the broad range of issues which confront the sugar industry on a daily basis.

From an industry perspective, Jim represents the industry on a range of government working groups related to Environmental, Transport and Technical issues incorporating a broad resource management role.

In his Government relations role, Jim is regularly in direct contact with both Federal and State parliamentarians. Most importantly he is a primary contact point for the milling sector and the broader industry more generally for all levels of Government with both regulatory and policy involvement with the sugar industry.

Jim has worked in the sugar industry since 1975 with mills and industry organisations. His extensive sugar industry experience prior to joining the Milling Council in 2006 included HR/IR, field operations, communications and productivity program management.  Jim was appointed to the Board of Work Health and Safety Queensland as an employer representative in July 2023.
