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Research Strategy

Investment in research is a key priority for ASMC members. Each grower and sugar manufacturer contributes levy funds each year to Sugar Research Australia (SRA). SRA invests these levies and matched government funds on research, development and adoption activities to improve the sector’s productivity, profitability and sustainability.

Sugar Research Australia

The Australian sugar industry contributes an average of $24 million annually to fund research activities via the industry owned company, Sugar Research Australia. This industry investment attracts more than $6 million each year from the Federal Government as part of the Government’s commitment to rural research and development.

 Click here to access Sugar Research Australia’s Website

Sugar Research Institute (SRI)

SRI offers global expertise in sugar milling and refining technology. SRI understanding of the science of sugar processing helps sugar mills and refineries to maximise sugar recovery, and to deliver best practice in process efficiency and plant design.

Established in 1949, SRI operates on a “not-for-profit” basis and is owned and supported by Australia’s sugar millers. 

Click to access SRI’s website

