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Policy Priorities

ASMC response to the Energy Security Board consultation paper and draft rules regarding Renewable Energy Zones Planning | 8 September 2020

The Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Energy Security Board consultation paper and draft rules regarding Renewable Energy Zone Planning (August 2020). Whilst the problems associated with ad hoc renewables development are well documented, and there is a need for improved planning, ASMC remains concerned that the mechanisms designed to protect Goo...
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Trade and investment a sugar success story

The Queensland regional economy and the Australian raw sugar industry have been major beneficiaries of more than $7 billion worth of investment over the past 15 years. Giving evidence at the virtual Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth (14 July), the Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) explained the importance of exports to the sugar milling sector, which account for mor...
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