Home / Media Releases / Federal election – sugar industry secures bipartisan commitment to advance key issues | 18 May 2022

Federal election – sugar industry secures bipartisan commitment to advance key issues | 18 May 2022

The Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) has secured a bipartisan commitment to advance key priorities with the next Federal Government to boost regional Queensland jobs and economic growth.

“The ASMC looks forward to working with the next Australian Government to secure greater overseas market access for Australian sugar, boost generation of renewable energy and production of sustainable biofuels from our mills, and reset regulation and policy to encourage investment and capital spending in sugar manufacturing,” Mrs Sheard said.

ASMC Chief Executive Officer Rachele Sheard said the Liberal-National Coalition and Labor have committed, if elected at the election on Saturday, to work with the sugar industry, which already contributes $3.8 billion to the Queensland economy and supported almost 20,000 full-time equivalent jobs across the State.

“Sugar is Queensland’s original manufacturing industry.  It remains the economic foundation for communities and businesses across regional Queensland.  It is one of Queensland’s most important agricultural export industries, second only to beef.”

“We are confident, whoever forms Government after the election on Saturday, recognises the importance of the sugar industry and its commitment to jobs, to regional development, to exports, to renewable energy and emission reduction targets.”

Media contact: Kirby Anderson 0400 206 502

Click here for a pdf of this media release


ASMC is the peak organisation for the sugar manufacturing sector, working to transform Australian sugarcane by diversifying the industry, expanding trade opportunities and creating new markets. ASMC represents five sugar manufacturing companies which collectively produce 90 percent of Australia’s raw sugar at their 16 sugar mills in Queensland.
