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Sugar Industry’s Economic Contribution

The sugar industry has defied COVID-related disruptions, unfavourable weather conditions and poor recent sugar prices, according to a new report commissioned by the Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC).

The independent analysis has revealed that the Queensland sugar industry contributed $3.8 billion in Gross Regional Product and 19,673 direct and indirect jobs to the Queensland economy.

The analysis found that the sugar industry spends $2.3 billion annually, with 91% of this spend occurring in Queensland, the commitment of the mills and their suppliers and workers to Queensland is also easy to see.

To understand the industry’s full economic contribution at the state and at various regional levels, please access the following links. Lawrence Consulting economic report

Economic contribution (Australia) infographic

Economic contribution (Queensland level) infographic

Economic contribution (local government level) infographics

Economic contribution (state electorate level) infographic

Economic contribution (federal electorate level) infographics
